Download & Stream

OverDrive’s OK Virtual Library

OverDrive: Read eBooks any time, any place

Borrow eBooks and audiobooks, and stream video, anywhere, anytime from OK Virtual Library. All you need is an internet connection and a  library card. Use your e-reader, tablet, smart phone, computer, laptop, or other device to read and listen to books, and view videos.

Find and open your library’s digital collection using one of the following:

  • The new Libby app (recommended for public library users on Android, iOS, or Windows 10 devices)
  • The original OverDrive app (for all other library users on Android, Chromebook, iOS, Kindle Fire, or Windows 8/10 devices)
  • (for any user on a Windows or Mac computer)

Find out more about using OverDrive through the OK Virtual Library:

Special Collections for Kids and Teens

 OverDrive: Visit our e-reading room for kidsOverdrive: visit our e-reading room for teens

Stream Video

You can borrow and watch free shows, movies, and more at OK Virtual Library. Videos will play either in the OverDrive app (v3.1+ for Android or iOS) or in your web browser. Learn more.